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Квест-тест hh.ru

Новогодний промо-проект для крупнейшего портала России по поиску работы


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December, 2020

Goals and tasks of the project

To achieve the goal of the project, to recharge users with the holiday spirit, the following tasks were set:

01.Develop a themed quest test - New Year's mini-games

02.Come up with funny jobs with a description

03.Draw 14 stickers for jobs

What has been done?

Illustrations of stickers and items for mini-games, copywriting, development of 8 New Year's mini-games, the logic of building steps and stages of the game

Sticker Pack

Each sticker matches a certain New Year's profession, which appears after passing the quest test

Завскладом Деда Мороза

Командир снеговичкового отряда

Менеджер по гирляндным закупкам

Заведующий праздничным настроением

Руководитель банного департамента

Тестировщик ледянок

Оливьешный сомелье

Дегустатор мандаринок

Укладчик на ночь

Кутежный лекарь

Зажигатель бенгальских огней


A screen of quest test levels

The screen shows the user how many levels he has passed, what "perks" he has got, and what else he can get


The user is offered to answer the questions by choosing one of three possible answers


To go to the next level of the game, you need to answer 5 questions


Based on the chosen answer option a certain mini-game appears

Labyrinth Game No. 1

The goal of the game is to collect items that will open the exit from the labyrinth. There are only 3 exits. A certain set of 3 items opens one of the exits. Depending on the exit chosen by the player (the items that opened it), a job opens.

Game No.2 Dress-up

The player is offered 9 items to choose from, 7 of which can be placed on the Christmas tree. By placing all 7 items on the Christmas tree, the player gets a job. Depending on the items used, the player gets a job.

Game No. 3 Collector

The player should catch 7 different items in the bag, which fall from above. After catching all 7 items, the player gets a job. Depending on the items used, the player gets a job

Game #4 Shake

The player is offered 9 items to choose from. To complete the game, you need to use any 7 items that interact with the fireworks, slowly lighting it. After using 7 items, the player lights a firework, breaks the left icicle. Depending on the items used, the player gets a job

Results of mini-games

After completing the game, a screen appears with items that have opened a job. By moving the circle from left to right, the item cards are connected to open a job

Carousel of collected professions

The screen shows the user how many professions he has opened. The more jobs you open, the more rewards you get

Results and bonuses

At each level, the user is waiting for certain bonuses for participating in the quest test


The user could share the result of the quest test on social networks, recharging not only himself, but also his friends with a New Year's mood

Level 1 bonuses

At each level, the user gets certain bonuses from hh and GeekBrains. Promo code for a 15% discount on a Career consultation from hh

Bonuses Level 2

Promo code for a 15% discount on a made-up resume from hh

Level 3 bonuses

Promo code for a 60% discount on all courses from GeekBrains

Starlink screen

A New Year's wish from an advertising agency and the principles of their work

Screen about the project

General information about the New Year's project


To complete a mini-quest and collect all the bonuses is also available to the user from mobile devices, thanks to the adaptability of the project

Project team

Meet the Ojoteam team that ensured the effective implementation of the project's goals and objectives

Dmitry Mironov
Art Director
Andrey Gusev
Svetlana VerushkinaAlexey Sokolov
UX/UI дизайнеры
Alexander Shkryadov
Kirill Malahov
Aleksey SurkovArtem Zazvonov